
Thursday, 2 March 2017

Pests Are Yucky!

Unlike all the other schools in the Manaiakalani Cluster,  our inquiry topic for this year is about Pests. Before we started researching and looking up information we had to write our prior-knowledge on a KWL chart. This is everything that I knew. I didn't have a lot of knowledge.

Now after researching this is, my knowledge has increased by so much.


  1. I like how you explained the cause and effect of the pest you have researched.

  2. Hey Athens
    My name is Vedel and I am Quadblogging with you from Glen Innes School. My school topic is about changing Omaru Creek into a healthy creek.
    And you are right I think pests are gross and they are annoying. SO keep up the good job because you are doing a great job.

  3. Hi Athens, your question intrigued me... are there any good pests? I would be interested to know if you discover that any local pests are iin fact having a positive impact.

    Ngā mihi,
    Mrs Grant

  4. Hey Athens
    My name is Noah and I am your buddy for the quad bloggers activity, I go to Pt England school, I dis like pests very much, and as you said "Pests are yucky" hopefully you share more great work, Keep it up Athens!

  5. Hey Athens
    I really like how you have shared how gross pests are.
    How do you feel about pests.

  6. Hey Athens,
    I found it fascinating that you decided to look in to different pests. I liked the fact that you investigated the bubonic plague and the amount of deaths it caused. I'd be interested to know what they did to eradicate the pests that carried diseases.
