Last week on Friday was St Kents Day. I couldn't wait for the day to come. I was put into Team 9 but ended up being split up.
The first activity we played was soccer. Then we went to bead making, that was my most favourite activity out of everything we did. I made two bracelets because the first one wouldn't fit me. We then had our morning tea break. I spent it with Tyla. After our break we went to the library to play board games. I played pick-up sticks with a bunch of girls. The last things we did were zumba and decorating the biscuits.
That was one of the best days out of the whole year!
I am a Year 8 student at Ruapotaka School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mrs Golder.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Everyone Came Back Hurt!
This morning when I came to school I expected everyone to be doing well and okay, but as soon as I walked in I saw that Maranatha had a cast on and Meana was limping around. I was surprised. The first thing I did was ask Maranatha what had happened. She told me that she fell down when she was passing the baton to Heilala. I then asked Meana what happened to her leg and Meana told me that her leg was sore from all the running. Meana also told me that Samuel hurt his foot and wasn't going to come to school today. I was shocked I didn't think that so many students were to come back from Athletics injured. I hope they recover quickly.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Room 9's Syndicate Assembly
On Monday it was Room 9's Syndicate Assembly. I think it was one of the best sundicate assemblys ever because there was a dance challenge and three people from each classroom had to go up. Quros, Mika and Samuel went up for our room. I think Mika was a really good dancer and he made everyone smile and laugh.
Mr Reid also gave out certificates to everyone who came either first, second or third. I came third for the 75m and 100m so I got two stickers on my certificate. Some people had three stickers.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Testing Season Has Ended!
Testing is over now! Finally after a long 7 agonizing weeks of testing, it's over. Super exciting! Now we only have about 3 more weeks of school and after that we will have our Christmas Holidays. We only have Culture Groups Day, St Kents Day, Prize Giving and Interschool Athletics to go through.
It's crazy to think that I'll be a Year 8 next year. I can't wait for all the fun activities we are going to do since testing is over. I am also secretly hoping that my report will be up to a high standard.
It's crazy to think that I'll be a Year 8 next year. I can't wait for all the fun activities we are going to do since testing is over. I am also secretly hoping that my report will be up to a high standard.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
The Focuser
The movie was related to the 2016 Rio Olympics that we studied about back in Term 3. The movie sends a message and the message is to never give up, try your best and many other messages.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
We had an algebra test - the first part was really easy because we have done it before. I got super confused when I got to the baby part. I didn't get it but I still tried my best. We had 45 minutes to finish the whole thing but it only felt like we had 5 minutes.
It took me a while to finish everything. I finished when we had at least 5 minutes leftover. I spent the last few minutes checking my work and making sure it was correct.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Reading Comprehension Test
We had to go to Room 11 for the test because the years 8's were going to do their test in Room 12. The test was a little easy because I remembered some of the stories. The test lasted for at least 45 minutes. I went over my answer sheet twice just to make sure I didn't shade in the wrong answer.
Once 45 minutes were over we went back to our classrooms. I think I did alright. Wish me luck for my other tests!
Monday, 31 October 2016
Where's Mrs Golder?
Where's Mrs Golder? I didn't see her this morning when I came! I saw that she didn't have her laptop on her desk which was very weird because she always had her laptop out. I also saw that she didn't have her suitcase beside her desk.
I then asked other people if they had seen Mrs Golder this morning but they all just said, "No". After the patrollers came back I saw that Mr Reid was with them. I came to the conclusion that Mrs Golder was either sick or was at a meeting. Later Mrs Vickers told us that Mrs Golder was sick. Get well soon!
Friday, 28 October 2016
I Wish I Wasn't Sick!
The other week all the seniors and juniors went to the Botanic Gardens. I was so excited! But I ended up being sick.
That day I woke up extra early to get ready. I wasn't feeling great when I woke up. I woke up to a sore stomach. While I was getting ready I felt like vomiting but I ignored it and thought it would go away - unfortunately it didn't.
My mum then took us to the bakery to buy us some yummy treats. After we bought the food we went back into the car. I felt like I was going to vomit any second and I did. I vomited all over my mum's car. Some of the vomit touched the food that we bought. It wasn't a pretty sight.
I kept on vomiting throughout out the day so I didn't go to school for at least three days. It was really boring. I'm happy that I'm feeling well now.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Our Holiday Is Over
I'm back at school again! Isn't that exicting? What's even more exciting is that this our last term. Which means that after this term we are going to have our Christmas Holidays.
I'm a little bit scared because this term we have tests and I really want to do well in them. So I'm going to study and focus more in the classroom. I'm also going to finish my homework on time and try to keep it neat and tidy.
Another exciting thing is that we are going to the Botanic Garden on Thursday. I can't wait to see all the pretty flowers.
I'm looking forward to this term!
I'm a little bit scared because this term we have tests and I really want to do well in them. So I'm going to study and focus more in the classroom. I'm also going to finish my homework on time and try to keep it neat and tidy.
Another exciting thing is that we are going to the Botanic Garden on Thursday. I can't wait to see all the pretty flowers.
I'm looking forward to this term!
Friday, 23 September 2016
Nearly this whole term we have been working on our skipping!
On Thursday we performed it in front of our parents and Room 11. It was a really fun time. We had our own individual groups. Sophie, Pallas, Tyla and Meana was in my group. We came up with alot of good tricks. Most of our tricks included the long rope. My group only did a couple of acts then we stopped and just watched Heilala's group.
One of my favourite tricks were when Aydrian did a cartwheel into the skipping rope. It was super cool, I wish I could do that! My second favourite trick was when Anavea and Maranatha did push ups inside of the skipping rope. It was an overall really good day.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Back At School Again!
It feels great to be back at school again! It's still a little weird and different because all the seniors are in different classrooms. We are in Room 8a, Room 11 is in the Music Room, Room 10 is in the library and Room 9 is in Room 4. Sadly we aren't allowed to go back into the senior block until Abestos testing is over and we have no idea when it will be finished.
We stayed at Tamaki Primary for almost about a week. Most of the time we were making things up as we went along because we had no chromebooks or the internet. It was a really hard week but we all got through it. Hopefully when Term 4 starts everything will be back to normal. Just how it used to be before Asbestos testing started.
Friday, 2 September 2016
After fitness on a Tuesday morning my class had to go to the court to learn how to play basketball. When we arrived at the court we all sat down in a line and learnt more about basketball, for example, the height of a proper basketball hoop.
We started off with a warm up which just consisted of us running up and down the areas that had cones. After our little warm up we started learning basketball moves. We learnt how to jump stop, protect the basketball with our arm, bend our legs, dribble and many other useful skills that we needed to know. I had such a blast learning how to play proper basketball and I'm sure the others had a blast as well.
We started off with a warm up which just consisted of us running up and down the areas that had cones. After our little warm up we started learning basketball moves. We learnt how to jump stop, protect the basketball with our arm, bend our legs, dribble and many other useful skills that we needed to know. I had such a blast learning how to play proper basketball and I'm sure the others had a blast as well.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Kahurangi - People Of The Pacific
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Mini Olympics Ethiopia
This term we are having a Mini Olympic Tabloids. We were divided into sixteen groups. The teachers just spilt our dance fitness groups in half. I am in the team Ethiopia. My teammates are Sione, Riiana and Anavea. This is the slide show that we made.
Friday, 5 August 2016
This week on Monday our classroom, Room 12 hosted the senior syndicate assembly. We only had a little bit of time to organize our assembly but it went really well. It was also very long because we had 16 team captains go up and pick a country to represent our Mini Olympic Tabloids. The 16 captains didn't know which countries they were going to pick because there were a bunch of countries crumbled up in a little bucket and they had to pick from there. It was pretty entertaining to watch and also little bit dramatic because some people would uncrumble their piece of paper slowly.
First Day Back
Last week was the first week back at school. I was really excited to come back to school and see my friends but I was also very sad that we had to come back to school. The first day back I felt very weird mostly because I haven't seen my classmates and my teacher for two whole weeks! We also had an assembly and Mrs Golder picked me to receive a Duffy book. The reason was because I read in the holidays. The book is called 39 Clues - it's an investigation book and inside it there were six cards that I had to use to figure out the mystery. I really enjoyed the book!
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Vector Arena

Friday, 17 June 2016
Snag Golf

On Thursday we learnt how to play golf. Straight after fitness we had to do the roll quickly, lined up and then go to the court to our coach. When we got there he welcomed us and said, "Hello", and we said "Hello" back.
The first thing we had to do was to get into a trio. I was with Tyla and Pallas. We then had to go to our area which had green balls, hula-hoops, flags and a sticky mat. Everyone had different coloured balls so they don't get mixed up but we all had the same set out. The first activity that we did was to roll the ball to hit number one. Then we had to roll the ball to get into the green hula-hoop. After that we had to hit the ball with the golf club but the ball had to travel through the sticky mat then into the hula-hoop.
The first thing we had to do was to get into a trio. I was with Tyla and Pallas. We then had to go to our area which had green balls, hula-hoops, flags and a sticky mat. Everyone had different coloured balls so they don't get mixed up but we all had the same set out. The first activity that we did was to roll the ball to hit number one. Then we had to roll the ball to get into the green hula-hoop. After that we had to hit the ball with the golf club but the ball had to travel through the sticky mat then into the hula-hoop.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Buddy Reading With Room 7
A few days ago we had buddy reading with Room 7. I buddied up with Diego and we read about waking up and saying hello. After he finished reading to me I read him a book called Grizzly Bear vs Polar Bear. It told us random facts about the grizzly bear and polar bear. The book also told us about their habitats, what they eat, etc. After a while of reading Miss Riley told us to stop and she then told us to put the books away but she told Room 7 first then she told us. After putting the books away the bell rang and we all went home.
Friday, 27 May 2016
Being Sustainable With Energy
A few weeks ago on Thursday a lady named Estah from Vector came to our school to talk about being sustainable with energy. She talked to us about the different types of energy for example, mechanical energy which moves objects from place to place. There are also electrical, chemical and radiant energy. She talked to us about how we can save energy and made some suggestions such as to take shorter showers, turn of light switches, etc.
Estah also showed us a wooden plane that had no batteries in it and the top moved when there was light shining on it. That was called radiant energy and mechanical energy. There was also a car that had no batteries in it and the same thing happened, it moved when there was light shining on it.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Our Second Time
On Monday, it was our second time hosting the Senior Syndicate Assembly. This time we didn't have as much time as we did for our last assembly. We only had Friday and Monday to plan what we were going to say and what we were going to do. Meana and Aydrian decided to do Class Feuds, Jack Daniel and Azahar chose the music and the rest had to say some things at assembly.
For Class Feuds, Meana asked the students questions and they had to answer them correctly but there was more than one answer and each answer was worth different points. Room 9 ended up winning by 10 points, Room 10 had seven points, Room 11 zero points, and room 12 had three points.
For Class Feuds, Meana asked the students questions and they had to answer them correctly but there was more than one answer and each answer was worth different points. Room 9 ended up winning by 10 points, Room 10 had seven points, Room 11 zero points, and room 12 had three points.
Friday, 6 May 2016
First Day Back
Today was the first day back at school. When the bell rang everyone met up outside Room 1 and lined up in their classrooms. After everyone settled down Mrs Vickers started speaking. She welcomed us back and talked to us about the roof. After she finished talking she told the seniors to leave first then the juniors.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Self Portrait
Every Friday we have Visual Arts. This term we focused on self portraits and making different shades using three colours. We had to make different shades using black, white and any colour of our choice. We had to make one side of our hair darker than the other, same for our face and our torso.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
About Me!
Last week I made a slideshow about myself. The slideshow tells you about my appearance and hobbies.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Room 11 Syndicate Assembly
On Monday Room 11 was hosting a syndicate assembly. There were only three classes there which were Room 12, Room 11 and Room 9. Room 10 wasn't there because they were doing a test. Mr Reid started off the assembly by bringing Samuel, Popi, Matali and Sabastian up in front to talk about their collaborative writing. After that Isabell told the teachers to hand out their certificates to the children who have been working well.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
First Senior Assembly
Yesterday I had my first Senior Assembly for 2016 and Room 12 was hosting it. At assembly we watched Celebrity Show Awards where Sophie interviewed Katy Perry, crazy fans, Tyla the make up artist and Pallas the hairstylist. I also worked behind the scenes for the play. I just had to film the play and help around.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Friday, 12 February 2016
Yesterday afternoon I had tabloids. Everyone had to sit outside the staffroom because it was way too hot to sit outside Room 1. I was put into a group with a mixture of juniors and seniors. My first activity was with Mr Sok. All I had to do was throw a lemon into the bucket for a point and the team that had the most points at the end of the game won.
Friday, 5 February 2016
First Day Back
Yesterday was the first day back at school and I was in Room 12 which is now a year 7 and 8 classroom. That morning we had an assembly in front of Room 1. Mrs Vickers talked to us about the new teachers that are now coming here.
After the assembly I had to do fitness and for fitness I was put into a team. All I had to do was run to the other side of the field and tag my team mate. Then my team mate who I tagged would have to run to the other side and tag my other team mates.
After fitness I had to go the classroom that I am in and met my teacher. We spent the morning organising our jobs and our rules.
After the assembly I had to do fitness and for fitness I was put into a team. All I had to do was run to the other side of the field and tag my team mate. Then my team mate who I tagged would have to run to the other side and tag my other team mates.
After fitness I had to go the classroom that I am in and met my teacher. We spent the morning organising our jobs and our rules.
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